SchoolStatus Connect has a feature allowing users to organize their messages, muting conversations that may not be vital and later unmuting them when needed. This feature is available for both Teachers and Parents.Please follow the instructions below on how to mute and unmute SchoolStatus Connect Messages.
Muting Conversations
1. Click the Messages icon on the upper-right side
On the left panel, you will find the "Active" section
2. Open the Message or Conversation you want to mute
3. Click the three black dots
4. Select Mute
5. Select Mute for 1 hour or Mute forever
Unmuting Conversations
1. Click the Messages icon on the upper-right side
On the left panel, you will find the "Active" section
2. Open the Message or Conversation you want to mute
3. Click the three black dots
4. Select UnMute
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