We understand the need to have a record of messages you’ve had with parents. Maybe you need to print the messages and attach them to your school records, or you want to provide a copy of this message to your school administrator, or you simply want to have it on paper. No problem!
SchoolStatus Connect provides you with an option to download or export these messages in an Excel or .csv file so you can print it.
To access your Conversations click on the message icon
Downloading a Message
- Click on the messages you've had with a parent that you want to export
- Click the the three black dots to the right side
- Select Download
- It will open up another tab as it downloads the .pdf file.
- The email looks something like the one below. Click Download to download the messages.
- It will open a .csv file with the Sender’s name (yours and the parent’s), Created At (date when the message was sent), and the Message.
Click here to return to the main menu- or ask for help!