School staff members always have the ability to send private messages to parents/guardians that are connected to the School and/or their classrooms.
This article will discuss the private conversation sidebar and the information visible in it when specific conditions are met.
Factors that affect what you see on the sidebar:
Role (District Leader, School Leader, teacher, or parent/guardian)
Classroom Membership
Classroom Settings
District Leaders
District Leaders have the highest level of access to sidebar information. Regardless of School and classroom settings, messages with a District Leader will show all the other user's information.
Note: The order of names from the sidebar is sorted alphabetically.
District Leader's conversation with a teacher
District Leader's conversation with a parent
On the sidebar, below each user's name and contact information are the students connected to that profile as a parent.
School Leaders
School Leaders almost have the same level of access as a District Leader except it is limited to the School they are connected to. A School Leader can only be assigned to one school and they will not see anything from other Schools connected to the District.
School Leader's conversation with a teacher
School Leader's conversation with a parent
School Leader's conversation with a District Leader
District Leader's side of the private message
The School Leader cannot see the District Leader's children since he has no access to the School or classrooms to which the children belong. School Leaders also cannot initiate a private conversation with a District Leader unless the District Leader sends a message first.
Teachers can message parents/guardians that are in their classroom but cannot initiate a conversation with a District or School Leader.
Teacher's conversation with a District Leader
District Leader's side of the conversation
The teacher won't see the District Leader's child since they are not in the class where the student belongs.
Teacher's conversation with a parent/guardian
Parents/guardians will have more restrictions on what they see on the sidebar depending on the settings the District, School, or Class set.
If you need to review the Class Settings as School Staff, please refer to this article.
Parent's conversation with another parent when the Class Directory is VISIBLE to everyone.
Parent's conversation with another parent when the Class Directory is HIDDEN to everyone.
Please note how the child of the other parent disappeared since the Class Directory should not be visible.
When the District, School, or Class updates the setting and disallows parents to send messages to other parents, they will only be able to start a conversation with teachers of the classrooms they're invited to.
Parent's conversation with other parents initiated by a District Leader, School Leader, or a teacher when they are disallowed to send messages to each other.
School Leader's side of the conversation
The School Leader sees all children below each parent except for the child the is going to a different School that he has no access.
Pro-tip: The information from this article may seem overwhelming at first but it's simple, School Staff and other parents from the District, School, or class will not have access to any personal information they are not permitted to view.
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