With SchoolStatus Connect all your events, Volunteer and Item requests are automatically stored and available to find in the Activity Tab. From this Tab you are able to Edit, Announce, Add Reminders, Download the Event to add it to your own Calendar, Add images and files and Delete the Event, Activity etc.
This Article will highlight how to Navigate the Activities Tab.
- Click the Drop-down
- Select the correct school or classroom
- Click on Activities Tab
When you click on Activities you will see
- Click the arrows to find the date you are looking for.
- Click Today to hop to Today’s Activities and Event.
- Look at the box to see what type of activity or event it is.
- Click the name of the Activity or Event to open it.
An Event or Activity
Click the 3 black dots to see a drop-down of options
- Click Edit to return to the creation page - Learn more about creating an event/ activity here.
- Click Announce to Announce your activity or event. Click here to learn more about Announcements.
- Click Reminders to get a reminder summary for the event.
4. Click Add to Calendar to download the Event or Activity to your device.
Note: As you save the Event or Activity it will get added to your calendar
5. Click Add Photos/Files to add Photos/Files from your device to the Event or Activity.
Select your file and click Open
Note: It will appear in your Event/ Activity
6. Click Delete to delete the event.
On the bottom right of the Activity or Event you can see how many people have viewed the Event or Activity.
On the left there is space for those who need to, to RSVP and a pull of how many people have RSVP’ed.
Click here to return to the main menu- or ask for help!