District and School Leaders can upload a CSV file to create all classrooms in a school with teachers automatically connected.
This article will show you visual instructions on how to create the file and upload it on Connect.
File Format
Create a spreadsheet following the format in the sample image below. All columns are required to create the classroom and link it to the teacher but if you only want to create the classrooms, you're free to leave the teacherEmail column blank. Here is a sample spreadsheet.
title - the class name
grade - the grade level
teacherEmail - teacher’s email address
Steps To Upload
(1) Click the drop-down menu and click the School's name
(2) Go to the Classrooms tab
(3) Click the ellipses on the upper right and click Create From a Spreadsheet
(5) Upload your CSV file
(6) Copy and paste the data from the spreadsheet
(7) Upload the CSV file
(8) Copy the data
(9) Paste the data
(10) Make sure everything passes the validation
All Rows Validated
(11) Look out for Invalid data which is highlighted in red
(12) Click the Only show rows with errors checkbox to only show the rows with invalid information or proceed to upload the rows without errors
(13) Correct the data from your file and do the previous step again OR correct the data from the uploader by double-clicking the values highlighted in red
(15) Confirm that the classrooms are created and teachers are added
You’re all set! 🙌
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