Graduating your class is very quick and easy. Please follow the steps below:
(1) Click the 3 black dots on the class header
(2) Click the Class Settings
(3) Scroll down and click Graduate
The next screen would prompt you to add a message or announcement that would go to parents' inboxes or simply proceed without entering a message.
(4) Depending on other communications you have shared, it might be a good opportunity to wrap up the class with a last message or share this link with parents about how to access the archived class (5) Click Graduate
A pop-up window will appear where you need to enter your email address to ensure that you haven't tried to graduate from the class accidentally.
(6) Enter your email address
(7)Click Confirm
After confirming your email and clicking on the Confirm button, you will see the archived class with an Archived Classroom banner on the top right. This is the same view that parents would see for their respective view of the classroom.
To visit your archived classroom please go into your profile settings from the left side navigation.
You're good to go! 🙌
Click here to return to the main menu- or ask for help!