Heads up: This feature may not be automatically enabled for your account. Please have your admin reach out to their Customer Success Manager to have this feature enabled.
With SchoolStatus Connect, you can call a student’s guardian via your phone or desktop. All phone calls will be recorded for future reference. This Article will cover how to access and use our 1 to 1 calling.
Making a call
- From your Homepage click the drop-down to select which school/class the guardian you need to call is in
- Click on Directory
- Begin searching for the student by typing their name in the search bar
- Once the student’s name appears, click on the student
- Once in the student card click on the phone icon
- If not already saved, enter the guardian’s appropriate number
Note: If syncing data with SIS, this should be automatically updated every time the system syncs.
There are two ways to initiate a call:
Option 1: Connect via phone
You will have to provide the phone number for the device you will use to call. This number will not be shown to guardians. Instead, this is how our platform will initiate the call by connecting to your device.
Option 2: Connect via desktop
This option does not require the phone number of your device. The call will automatically be connected to the guardian’s device.
- Add your cell number into the box, if calling via your phone.
- Click Connect via phone or Connect via desktop to begin the call.
After initiating a call, you will see this green bar at the top of your screen.
Note: You can make a call to either a mobile phone number or a home/landline number.
Tracking a Call
- On the Student Card, click on the Report Icon
- Select the Log you are trying to track
Once the log is open you can view the following:
- The Initiator - Who made the call
- Participant - Who received the call
- Date of the Engagement
- Mode of Engagement
- Notes about the Engagement
Recording (If Phone call)
- To play the recording click the play icon to the left of the recording
- To view the call transcript, click Show Transcript
Who can make a phone call?
Staff members who have access to start a 1:1 Conversation with a guardian will also have access to initiate a phone call with that guardian.
What does the guardian see when I make a phone call?
The recipient guardian will receive a call from an assigned phone number that is not your personal number.
How/Where is the phone call recorded?
Once the call has ended, the voice recording of the call will be saved in the student’s Engagement Log.
Who can view the recording of the phone call?
The staff member who initiated the call, any school or district leader with permission, and any other staff member with access to that student’s Interaction Log can access the recording. Guardians are not able to access call recordings.
Can the parent call me back on that number?
Yes, however when they call back they will only be able to record a message which will be sent in and receivable via a message.
Will I be notified of a return call and recording?
You will receive a notification of this, both by your preferred method and a bubble will appear above the message icon.
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