If the sync fails due to a deletion threshold, it means that it tries to archive more records than it is allowed.
There are several reasons for this behavior:
A lot of changes in the school’s data
It is a common case during the back-to-school period. To correct this, please set the Deletion Threshold to any value more than the percentage of record the sync is trying to archive.
Here's how you can identify the exact percentage of record the sync attempted to archive:
- From the District page, click on the (1) ellipses on the header, go to (2) Settings and select (3) SIS Rostering
- From the SIS Rostering menu, select (4) Failed: threshold and (5) identify the highest value under Tried to Archive column
- Go back one page, go to District-Level Daily Sync Settings by clicking on (6) OneRoster and update the (7) Deletion Threshold value, and don't forget to (8) Save
- Once saved, go back one page and (9) restart the sync
- Once sync has completed, revert the Deletion Threshold back to it's former value. SchoolStatus Connect recommends keeping the deletion threshold at lower levels (10%-20%) during the school year.
Issues with the data in CSV files
If the sync cannot properly recognize the data in CSV files, it may try to remove all previously imported records. Usually, the sync cannot recognize the data because of the following issues:
- Invisible special characters in file headers
- Typos in file headers
- Wrong file encoding
We recommend double-checking file headers to exclude reasons 1 and 2 from above. You may retype the headers manually to make sure there are no typos or other special characters in them. If it doesn’t help please contact us at support-ct@schoolstatus.com.
Missing school IDs
If the school IDs on SchoolStatus Connect are different from school IDs in the CSV files, it may lead to the failed sync with the Threshold reason.
In this case, sync report statuses show Success, but the files only include headers and no real data.
To eliminate this issue, please open your files in a text editor, check school IDs and make sure that they are the same as the school IDs on SchoolStatus Connect. It may happen that school IDs in your files start with 0. If that’s the case, make sure school IDs on SchoolStatus Connect start with 0 as well.
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