Steps a school or district leader needs to take to prepare rosters for the next school year
For the best experience with SchoolStatus Connect, school and district leaders need to keep the school rosters up-to-date so that everyone has access only to relevant resources and notifications.
Please follow the checklist below to prepare your schools for the new school year with SchoolStatus Connect.
1. Archive Classrooms
Step #1 is to archive last year’s classrooms to hide them from the user interface so that it’s easier and faster to find the new year’s information.
We recommend archiving all classrooms right before you start creating new classes, or before your Student Information System (SIS) makes the new school year’s classrooms available to SchoolStatus Connect through the Daily Roster Synchronization. You can also archive classrooms sooner if teachers don’t need them anymore to communicate with families.
You can archive all classrooms at once, or you can archive individual classrooms only. Follow the instructions in this article to learn how to archive classrooms.
Note: if Roster Synchronization for your school/district is enabled, classes that are no longer in your SIS data are archived automatically, but we still recommend archiving all classrooms to make sure that manually created classes are archived too. Also, we recommend turning the Unarchive classrooms that reappear in the roster data
sync setting off to make sure that the next sync doesn't unarchive any classrooms if your SIS still shares them with SchoolStatus Connect.
2. Archive Students
Step #2 is to archive students so that families who are no longer in your school do not receive irrelevant communications.
As with classrooms, we recommend archiving students right before you upload new rosters, or before your SIS shares the updated rosters with SchoolStatus Connect. But you can also archive students sooner - as soon as you don’t need to communicate with their families.
Depending on how you plan to add rosters for the next school year, you may archive individual or all students. If you plan to add or upload only the new students, you may want to archive only the ones who leave the school. If you plan to upload complete lists with new rosters or will use roster synchronization, we recommend archiving all students.
In some cases, you may also want to completely remove archived students from your school. Please follow the instructions in this article to learn how to archive students and remove them from the school if necessary.
Note: if Roster Synchronization for your school/district is enabled, you cannot manually archive students who are part of synchronization, they are archived automatically when they are no longer in SIS data. You can use this fact to clean up student records if you know you have some manually added students who are still active - try to select and archive all students, sync-managed students won't change, but manually added students will be archived. Please review the article to learn more.
3. Update Staff Member
Step #3 is to update staff members to make sure that people who are no longer in your organization or changed their roles can only access the school data they are allowed.
We recommend removing staff members or adjusting their permissions as soon as their role in your organization changes.
Please review this article to learn more about managing permissions for staff members and follow instructions here to learn how to remove staff members from schools and districts.
Note: if Roster Synchronization for your school/district is enabled, staff members no longer sharing with SchoolStatus Connect are automatically removed from your organization. But if you have staff members who are not part of the sync, please update their information manually.
4. Add/Upload New Data
After completing steps 1-3, it’s time to move to Step #4 - adding or uploading the new rosters, classes, and staff members!
If you plan to add new records manually, please start from the Student and Classroom Directory pages.
If your data will be added via roster synchronization, we recommend reviewing the sync settings to make sure everything is set up correctly.
How to archive old classrooms if we already created classrooms for the next year?
The answer depends on how these new classrooms were created. If they were only added by the daily sync and no one created classrooms manually, you may do the following:
Archive all classrooms in your school or district (see step 1 from above)
Open sync settings in your school or district (depending on where the sync is set up), enable the “Unarchive classrooms that reappear in the roster data” setting, save changes
Launch the new sync - after the sync is completed, it will unarchive all of the classrooms that were recently created by the sync
If you have already created classrooms manually, please contact us at and we’ll support you with archiving old classrooms.
Do we need to turn the daily sync off during the summer?
It may make sense to temporarily turn the sync off if your SIS/Clever/ClassLink doesn’t supply SchoolStatus Connect with SIS data anymore, but you don’t want to archive anything on SchoolStatus Connect yet - e.g. if you plan to communicate with families during the summer. In this case, you may choose to turn the sync off so that it doesn’t send you daily notifications about its failed attempts to archive missing records.
In other cases, you may leave the sync enabled and let it archive old data when it’s no longer shared with SchoolStatus Connect.
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