You are automatically the SchoolStatus Connect Leader when you are the first staff to join a School. When this happens, you can invite other leaders and manage the School's SchoolStatus Connect together or leave the leadership to someone else entirely.
Note: If you believe you are not the person that should manage the whole School, invite a new leader first and then update your role. Please follow the steps below.
Inviting SchoolStatus Connect Leaders to a School
1. Click the drop-down icon on the home banner
2. Click the School's name
3. Click Directory
4. Click the black dual person +
5. Click + Add Admin
6. Type the email address of the person you wish to invite
Note: You can click the + sign on the right to add multiple people at once
7. Click Add
All set! 🙌 The invite is now sent to the new School Leaders. All you need to do is wait until they accept your invitation.
Updating your SchoolStatus Connect Role
1. Click on the profile picture drop-down located in the upper right corner
2. Click the gear icon
3. Under My Relationships, click Schools & Classes
4. Click the 3 black dots next to the School's name
5. Click Select Job Title
6. Choose between all available options on the list
7. Click Save
The Job Title has been assigned successfully! 🙌
Your account's permission level is immediately updated once you have saved the new role.
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