Connect Districts that use Clever, ClassLink, and OneRoster have experienced difficulties pulling their preferred data for parent/guardian contacts. This process accommodates these users to connect synced students' profiles to their preferred parent/guardian contact information.
Connect Districts can now upload parent/guardian contact information using a CSV file if their SIS Sync with Connect cannot accommodate syncing their preferred parent/guardian contact information. This article will help users understand how to complete this process after completing the initial SIS-Connect integration.
This article will include:
How to upload a CSV File
1. Click the context Drop-down
2. Select the School or District
3. Click Settings
3. Scroll down and click SIS Rostering
5. Scroll down and click Upload Guardians
6. Select Click Here and select a CSV file fro your device
7. Once the file up uploaded select the appropriate box (Dry Run, or Abandon)
8. Click Start Processing
The upload will take a few minutes depending on the size of your file. The status will say “In Progress” until the Guardian upload is completed.
Upload Results
The Excel file of the upload result will look like the sample picture below.
The “result” column will tell you whether the upload was a success or not. The “action” column is what happened with the contact information. If the guardian/parent already has an account, it will say “UPDATED”. Contact information that is not in the system yet will say “CREATED”. If you get any error messages, please send an email so we can help you interpret and correct the error.
File Format
Connect Users must upload a CSV file in the format shown in the sample below.
It is important that you use the exact titles for each column so the upload succeeds.
This is the student code/ID that you will get from your rostering system. Each student has a unique code that will be used to determine where to attach the parent information that you are uploading. Contact information from your CSV file without a corresponding student code will not be uploaded successfully.
Similar to the student code/ID, parents/guardians also have their unique codes from the rostering system. This is not a required field but it is highly recommended to be included in the upload in case you switch to full sync in the future.
Parent’s first name. Users can change/update it when they sign up.
Parent’s last name. Users can change/update it when they sign up.
Parent’s email address.
Parent’s phone number.
Note: A parent/guardian CAN have both the email address and phone number or at least one of them to be uploaded and invited successfully.
Parent’s home phone number. This is not a requirement and will only be kept for records in the parent’s profile.
The parent’s preferred Language Setting. If the column is blank, the invite and all succeeding communication will automatically be in English. Please refer to this file to get the codes for all the Languages available at the moment.
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