As a user, you have control over the "Allow others to see my contact information" setting within Account Settings.
If this setting is enabled, then anyone who is allowed to open your profile, can also see your contact information there - email, phone number, home phone number.
The cases include:
If you're a guardian:
- Other guardians in your class if the class directory is shown
- Other guardians in common conversations
- Other guardians who share comments on announcements or activities
- Co-parent
- Class Teachers
- School staff members with the rostering admin, family access or users manager permissions
District admins and staff members
If you're a Class Teacher:
- Guardians in your class
- Class co-teachers
- Other guardians in your school
- Staff members of your school
District admins and staff
If you're a School Staff:
- All guardians in your school
- All school staff
District admins and staff
If you're a School Leader:
- All guardians in your school
- All staff in your school
District admins and staff
If you're a District Leader:
- All guardians in your district
- All staff in your district
If this setting is disabled, then only the following people can see your contact information:
- District Admin
- Your school's rostering Admin
- Your school's User Manager
- Teacher of a class where you're a guardian or a teacher
In other words:
- As a District Admin, you are allowed to see contact information of any user in your district - no matter the user permission.
- As a District Staff Member, you do not have access to see other people's contact information.
- As a School's Rostering Admin or user manager, you can see everyone's contact details in your school - no matter the user permission.
- As a Class Teacher, you can see everyone's contact details within a class - no matter the user permission.
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